Bobby in a liquid fluid system a change at any location will be reflected by a change at any other point in the system. though technically liquids are compressible in practice they are considered as incompressible.

if you fail a rod bearing the downstream components will not see less oil unless the overall system pressure drops. as long as the system pressure remains the same then the same amount of oil is being delivered to the undamaged components regardless of their location however the flow through the damaged bearing will increase.

now IF the pump is not capable of maintaining the pressure that existed prior to the failure then the other components may be compromised.

you are correct with regards to gauge port location on SB vs BB. i would expect a SB to show higher gauge pressure because it is right above the pump so to speak. however when we refer to "oil pressure" we don't move the gauge port around we are always reading it from the same location so in this respect it does reflect what is happening in the system.

i fully agree with your ideas about reworking the stock pump and system. in many cases it may be all that's required and is imho the better route if it is sufficient

fluids (like electricity) flow from a point of high potential to a point of low potential.

oil serves three functions, to lubricate, cool and cleanse and engine in that order.

Bob i fully agree that due to the valve gear the hemi would require more oil and would not be surprised that a stock pump is not adequate for high speed operation and improved oiling is necessary

having said that there's absolutely no way you're circulating 30qts of oil through an engine in 10 seconds. the milodon HV pump is rated at approx 20 GPM or 1.33qts per second. the absolute maximum a milodon HV pump could move in 10 seconds is 13.3qts and i highly doubt that is happening

i really wish i was better at explaining this stuff

so often we hear "the HV pump will suck your pan dry" (often referring to the stock style HV pumps)...only if there's some other problem(s) that need to be addressed. oil returns compromised, no windage control, engine clearances too loose. overall the oil NOT being in the pan (where it's supposed to be) for the pump to pick up

if HV pumps were such a detriment to an engine then the really HV pumps such as the milodon, titan etc would be engine destroyers not a component that helps an engine live.

everyone is entitled to their opinion(s) these are mine