

It was great not seeing Vinny laying down for AJ, They raced a real race, and a close one to boot. I know Vinny has his day comeing as he is an awesome driver and a great leaver.

Too many times Ive seen a 2 car team make it to the finals and the owner in this case AJ gets the win regardless, but I am sure if somethinglike a mis shift, or some hazed tires it could have been anyones race.

Way to show sportsmanship and not making him lay down.

You know I hate to even think it but many teams do it but look at VN mph on the final run. It was 204 as he may have lifted a tad early even though it looks as AJ said go all out. Dont know dont care as AJ and VN are both great Mopar Pro Stock teams and it will be so great to see AJ win it all as they have worked hard for it and stuck with Mopar all these years. Ron

Ron I agree with you, but if it was me and I was in the other lane and AJ told me to run it all out, I would let him have a half a fender and ride it out. Its respect. Thats all. They (Alan and Roy) have bust there butt and stuck with us(mopar people) for a long time. Just my