
Ok, so based on what some have posted here there is some bad info in that write up. So, does anyone know the real history on that car?

The story was it was a S&M race car in '71, then sold to Reid Whisnant for the '72 season. Reid had a '71 built for him by S&M for '71, then had a new '72 built by Atlanta Race Cars for '72.

Look at the the side bars in the pics. There is one that runs high from the main hoop and down, right by the drivers head. This was the way Ron Bulter built his cars. Old pics of S&M and Whisnant cars don't have this high bar. The seller claims that Gary Hansen said it's not a Butler but it sure looks like one. Besides, Bulter was on the west coast where the car was found just makes it look more like a Butler. I wonder if they ever did talk to Hansen. The whole story is fishy, why talk to 2 former fuel racers (Big and Snake) about a PS car?

Just who is Dino Powell, the person that 'authenicated' the car?