
What do you use instead of a pickle fork?

I use the single (not a pair of) BFH method.

Most current and former flat-rate frontend guys (I count myself in the latter group), have "the touch" for tapping the component through which the taper passes, shocking it so that the taper falls free. It is an acquired skill ("Use The Force, Luke..."). Specialty tools are just fine for the hobbyist and purist alike. I imply no insult to anyone who chooses to use a specialty tool, or more hammers than I. If you're flagging, it's a lot faster to use the BFH that is always at hand, instead of digging for some specialty tool. And that doesn't even consider the time spent spinning the specialty tool to the right mounting depth, mounting the specialty tool, then turning it (with yet another tool) until stuff pops, and then dismounting it.

WHAM and done.

Down to just a blue car now.