Thanks All

Brent, so as I said our strange connection of coincidences continues. You live in Vegas now and I am in ABQ. I lived there almost 7 years. You had the orange 72 Duster, and a green 69 340 swinger too and I have a feeling the further we go the more we'll see.
Folks he and I did not realize the connection or that we had ever even met as we have been following the builds of each others current projects but Brent is actually the guy who started the chain reaction which became my Cuda purchase. I can not thank you enough for telling me about that 340.....
He live in ABQ and I was living elsewhere (military) at the time. I was looking for Mopar parts when I met him. He had sold an engine to his roomate that I was coming to town to get. That deal fell through so being bored and having a pocket full of cash I went to merely look at a relatives Cuda. Brent even came by and helped me bleed the brakes in prep for flat towing.
It was1:30am and i am up from a dead sleepand my first thought.....just a few screws stand between me and whats beneath that carpet....