
the 340 is the same stroke as the 318 but has a bore of just over 4 inches. You can not bore the 318 enough before you clear the cylinder wall.
the 360 also has a larger journal on the rod than the 318 has on the crankshaft. IIRC And there is no way to make the rod fit properly onto the smaller diameter crankshaft.
And no you can not destroke a 360 back down to a 340 with a 318 crankshaft. unless you want to spent lots and lots of money in research and development and machine work.


Rod journals are the same, later 318s ran the same rods as the 360. Main journals are where the difference lies.

If you 318 already runs the 360 rods you can swap no sweat. If it has the early light 273/328 rods you may have to rebalance. Other than the, no problem swapping.

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They say there is always the exception that proves the rule.
Don't be the exception.