

The paperwork with my piston rings says "220-280".

iron rings or moly rings?

Yes, ring design/material determines what grit to use!!

old style, original cast iron rings, then you want the rougher 220-280 grits. with moly, you want finer, like around 320.

And yes, on a re-ring job, the flexball hone is great for the reasons mentioned above. again, it won't allow you to final hone to size for your piston to wall clearance, and I wouldn't use it to hone a freshly bored cylinder, but if all you're doing is re-ringing a cylinder that was already properly machined, then they work great.

saying that they remove minimal material is an understatement. I say they remove NO material, and only rough up the surface to allow the new rings to seat.

the last engine I did, after running the hone through a few times, I still had slight discoloration at the top of the bore from the carbon staining above the top ring. carbon was gone and the finish was smooth to the touch, but you could still see the brown ring around the top of the bore. Which doesn't really matter anyway, if youre using the same rods, pistons, etc. and just putting in new rings, since the old rings left carbon there, the new rings will never be rubbing there either.

**Photobucket sucks**