No one should be against doing everything we can to maximize safety.....but, you've got to be practical. We could all build our cars to have the protection of a 40 ton WWII Sherman Tank, and it would be safe, but would it be practical? Is the cost and the hassle worth the result? With a diaper on a stock type, N/A car, I personally don't think so. And, I am not a johnny come lately at this...I've been doing it for over forty years. I have a good cage, good car, and my stuff is up to snuff. But, you are never going to make what we do 100% safe.

Very, very seldom do you see a prepared, Stock/SS type N/A car oil the track down. It rarely, rarely happens.

Who oils the track are the guys who have the money for a 200 shot of nitrous but not enough for good stuff in the motor. Go to any local track on a Saturday night, and you'll see cars in the lanes that you would be scared to sit in while it was standing still...but it gets through tech. Or, a Pro Mod type guy who just don't have quite enough money to do what he's doing, and makes up for it with nitrous or blowers. And, of course, at the big races, the fuel boys.

Call me too cynical, but this is what I see. Once diapers are mandated, it will be discovered that your front runner tires have an adverse effect by UV rays and have to be replaced every two years, or your braided fuel lines will need to be replaced every six months, or.....

Just another way to beat money out of everyone they can.

"Old age and treachery trumps youth and enthusiasm, every time!"

East Central Director / Chrysler Power Magazine