



Well the problem I'm having is not wanting the nss cars to have their own heads up class as I am with only giving nss cars that are already running in nss a heads up class.

I want to pull the fast nss cars and grab the Hemi cars that can't run nss and the guy who doesn't like nss but has a car that fits kinda, and the 20 guys who have ss/ah cars that dont like chasing a guy and his dad who have the field covered by 4 tenths of a second or they just run 8.80s with the car.

Does that seem to make more sense to people what my thought for the class was

It's sounds like all the boys with swinging sacks can't make up your mine for you Josh. policing the class will take up all your time. Make the class list and see if you will have time to run the ss/ah/nss class to begin with. Remember with primadonna guys the never stops. The winner of all those cars I want in a Grudge match at the end of the night. Bring your swinging sack's.

well now im confused,i thought in the beginning it was about nss cars now its not? and ill take some of scamp at milan any no et you want big boy,my sack isnt scared of you.

lol mark.