



WOW, did this thread take a wrong turn.

Andy keep this stuff on the bullet where people enjoy and know what they are watching.

I think it's more in the way it was presented, the tough guy thug know it all attitude and the lack of an explaination as to what was happening that set the tone for this thread. I was in the ghetto street racing on French road and Outer Drive probably before some of these guys were born LOL. I kinda understood what was happening, but not completely because we normally ran heads-up or just gave cars if a spot was needed or just let the slower car leave, which is what happened here just in a more complicated way.

Would it have been so hard to simply explain in English what was happening to those of us that don't speak wiggerese? We all like fast cars and racing, and I'd be willing to bet that 90% street raced some as a kid. Because some didn't understand the set-up or the latest hip and trendy thug terms doesn't mean they were hating on the cars or the racing.

is me saying the sb got the brake and clear to complicated for you???? sounds like your a real hill billy w a fresh mouth.I would like to say if you give someone car lenghts at the track..where do you stage in the water box,get your facts right.(street racing) looks like a track to me?

Dude you posted about BB vs SB...ok neither are mopars we can get over that. Not much of fair race if you have to spot somebody a light or 2. We have grude races at the track all the time. They are all heads up. Big tire..small tire BB Sb doesn't matter. Both those car haul tail and both are very nice. I don't know why you get so bent. I guess you know one of the guys, maybe the chevy guy?
So yeah maybe a better explaination would have helped.

let me say first MIR is a great track,you say you have grudge racing all the time and its heads up,all the time? bb vs sb doesn't matter? ok so lets say i wanna race bigtime,his 1500hp bb vs my 720hp sb! you dont see why i would ask for a big head start? or another example would be if i took my car that ran 9.50's sb vs your BB meth injected car that runs 11.50's,would you race me heads up?