

WOW, did this thread take a wrong turn.

Andy keep this stuff on the bullet where people enjoy and know what they are watching.

I think it's more in the way it was presented, the tough guy thug know it all attitude and the lack of an explaination as to what was happening that set the tone for this thread. I was in the ghetto street racing on French road and Outer Drive probably before some of these guys were born LOL. I kinda understood what was happening, but not completely because we normally ran heads-up or just gave cars if a spot was needed or just let the slower car leave, which is what happened here just in a more complicated way.

Would it have been so hard to simply explain in English what was happening to those of us that don't speak wiggerese? We all like fast cars and racing, and I'd be willing to bet that 90% street raced some as a kid. Because some didn't understand the set-up or the latest hip and trendy thug terms doesn't mean they were hating on the cars or the racing.

umm i wouldn't go as far to say that it wasn't explained...take a look at the comments and before it could even be explained people were criticizing it for whatever reason they could find...so as far as an appreciation for any type of fast car, well i didnt see that here

to be honest, I don't see any gangster talk at all either in this thread or in how things were explained, and thats all I hear from people around where I am so i definitely know what it sounds like

maybe if it was a mopar people wouldn't jump to pick at things? still a great race imo

and please don't take this as an attack, just saying what i see here and I think some others do as well