

Would it have been so hard to simply explain in English what was happening to those of us that don't speak wiggerese? We all like fast cars and racing, and I'd be willing to bet that 90% street raced some as a kid. Because some didn't understand the set-up or the latest hip and trendy thug terms doesn't mean they were hating on the cars or the racing.

Let me see if I can shed some light on this growing dilemma.

Example A....

Yo.....stips is da game. Whachu think, dude gunna grab a lane wit dude dat don't sit da same??? Fer paper??? Sheeeeet, dis homie be whack!!! DIG!?!?!?!?!

Example A Translation....

Excuse me kind sir......but stipulations are simply a part of this phenomenon known as "grudge" racing. You can't believe, for even a second, that one competitor would line up against another competitor if their vehicles have been assembled in completely different fashions.....it just wouldn't be prudent. Especially if currency is involved. Poop, for you to think along these lines tells me you need immediate psychiatric attention. CAPICE!?!?!?!?!

See....not so far removed from the King's English, taught in classrooms coast-to-coast.

Thanks Jim!!

I'm just glad I could help.