


realistically it won't matter what rear you run on the street. i ran a 7.25 on the street with a 440 and narrow tires for quite a while. it never did blow. four digit power is going to be an exercise in frustration. your tires won't stand a chance.

Thats the main factor.... like he believes it will
hook on the street... I'm sure it would live with
8 3/4 because it wont hook... grand idea though


I dont believe it will hook on the street, nor I pretend to use that much power on the street. Im not that dumb!

This car is to be used at the track, at its full potential...and I dont want it to break and risk causing damage to myself, other drivers or the car itself, however, Id love to get to the track driving the car....or driving it to the local burger joint eventually....and filling it up at the pump with92 octane before racing....have rolling windows with factory glass, not lexan, have full working lights and blowing the doors off the cars that get there trailered and only run race gas....

why? because I want to!!! and because I think its possible...