0w20 synthetic oil, bring a big fan to cool the engine between rounds, synthetic light weight gear oil as thin as you dare, pack ice bags with shaved ice all around the intake and carb between rounds, drop the t-bars till it is almost sitting on the bump stops (weight transfer in the 60ft and aero dynamics at the fast end), have the alighnment double checked, you want the wheels to end up with zero toe while rolling down the road, I like to spread the front of the wheels while setting the alighnment and set the toe to zero, thay seem to roll a lot easier when setting them this way, if you run the carb a tad lean to keep the plugs clean then richen it up to run it's fastest. Remove floor mats, glove box, contents, jack, spare tire, trunk mat all excess fuel (don't fill it for ballast, sloshing ballest does almost no good, if you need ballast bolt it in the trunk as close to the bumper and high as possible, if you can bolt it to the roof of the rea edge of the trunk even better), set rear drums for no drag, WD-40 on all the front end rubber bushings to loosen them up a little, make sure you leaf spring clamps are good and tight...

If I think of any more I will post em up

I am not causing global warming, I am just trying to hold off a impending Ice Age!