Randy I know how you feel. I have been diagnosed with Fibromylagia because my joints hurt so bad and I have bad back problems along with bad knees. I had a bad car crash in 1982 and was flown to shocktrauma and had to have my knee operated on along internal bleeding and from being a tech all my life working on concrete has beat me up bad. Even yesterday at the track my knees and back hurt so bad I have to go sit down for a bit. I live on pain meds as I had to take them twice at the track yesterday. There is no way I could go racing every weekend as I hurt so bad today I have taken pain meds twice already and its only 12:30. I am like you that I only race a couple times a year. But man do I love going racing so I tolerate it as much as I can. Thats also one reason I like driving my car to the track as it kills me to try and climb under a trailer and tie a car down. I wish you the best of luck with it and wish I could help you more. Ron