
I also have heard nothing but good about Rob, that is why I bought the clutch from him, I have been in business for 27 years running an auto repair shop, 5 years of that was a performance shop, bean licenced for all 27 years. I have owned this car for 32 years. I no my car.
Rob never told me that there was a special bearing for Advanced clutches, in fact he told me the stock one is just fine that he has never had any trouble with them. If there was a package thing why was I not told about it, seems to me it would be a good up sell to ensure proper operation of his clutch. His web sit sees write on it all clutches are guaranteed.( defects ) Now you can't tell me you think that short arm is acceptable, not you not Rob not any body can convince me of it, nobody in the write mind would except this as a acceptable clutch. I set this clutch up to a tee of Robs instructions and phone calls, Emails and it never worked write, slipped on launch slipped in hi gear. So at the end of the day I will probable end up with a clutch that is worthless to me and $2500.00 in the hole.If I was not 1000s of miles away, me and this clutch would be be at his shop write now so I could show him first hand.

I have one of his setups too and I'm very pleased with it. Got it along with a new GForce gearbox which was the only thing which gave me a lot of trouble but had nothing to do with Rob. I don't have a special t/o bearing too and works fine so 'a special one required' is new to me too.

But you say it gives you slippage even in high gear...?? Single or dual disc setup? How many pressure in the plate? How many rpm's you leave and shift? Weight? Gearing? Tyre height? Gear ratio's? I'm currently running 8's with his setup without any trouble.

Hope you solve it as there's nothing better then rowing the gears!
