Does sound like possible front pump gear lug failure....

One thing a lot of people neglect to do on a new converter and/or pump gear replacement is to take the pump gear with the lugs on it (just the inner gear part) and set it on your converter, indexing it like it was installed.

Then take a feeler gauge and see if you have ANY clearance between either of the lugs and the converter indexing slots as you put pressure by turning the gear clockwise (converter snout facing up)like when engine is running.

If there is ANY clearance, then you have a high chance of having a pump drive gear that will shear the one lug off that is taking 100% (all) of the load.... and then takes off the other one to complete the failure.

I have seen plenty of mismathes.... could be either the converter snout (index) or the pump gear.

Most (not all) of the stock gears have an undercut on the lug drive tangs..... you can get the better non undercut and beefier units thru the aftermarket .... good insurance to have (still check the indexing tho )

CRT heavy duty pump gear here ---->


93 Dodge Stealth - Supercharged 526ci Hemi
93 Dodge Daytona Top Sportsman injected 588 Hemi - plus a lil NOS
67 Hemi GTX (may the 4speed with you!)