
Uppers or lowers ?

my method above is for the uppers,,,it's been so long since I've done any lowers I don't remember the steps involved

And when I did, I was flat rate, priorty #1 is get them R+R'd quckly, safely and out the door.

to sit there and grind them down with some cutoff wheel is a waste of time. A sharp air chisel can have them cut and out in under a minute each.

I could have the truck racked, wheel's off, and both uppers replaced and headed for the alignment rack in under 20 minutes, 30 tops if the cotter pins fight me

Gotta keep a bucket of water close by to cool them wrenches when your workin flat rate...

"The Armies of our ancestors were lucky, in that they were not trailed by a second army of pencil pushers."