

A good reminder for all of us...Thanks.

I learn't sumpin today, I had no idea & always figured if the meter showed 12V then it was hot

Well most times you have 12v showing on a meter, chances are you have a good lead. but sometimes as in Gus's case he had 12 v but not amperage . Something like lightning, billions of volts but very little amperage , if lightning had amperage on a decent ratio of the volts it would destroy everything in its path. just like bombing .
About a decade ago up here in newfoundland , an energy bust of some sort struck a community on Bell Island not far from where i live. It was a clear sunny day so I guess it wasn't lightning , but it dug trenches in the earth just like an excavator, blew up every electrical device around the area, blew the electrical meter right off the houses, killed pets and live stock. One little kid was riding his bike in the middle of it and luckly never got hurt but said there was balls of fire about as big as a beach ball going down the street slowly and about 4 ft off the ground.
Some people said it was the US testing its light beam gun or something. Military never siad much about it .Hmmmmmmm.