Ok..I'm still lost...I've read this MCG article 4 times now and don't see the connection...Maybe I'm naive or not good at reading between the lines. This Frank guy makes no mention of Team Valiant...

Team Valiant has more then proven themselves by creating the top scoring car of all time...Why they feel then need to come on here to defend themselves or their project to anybody is beyond me. Franks article suggests to everybody to do their own research and come to their own conclusions, which Team Valiant has done repeatedly.
Franks article also states that he has never done any research on 318 or slant six cars and feels he's never had the need to...
The assumption that all cars are the same, and that if rubber gaskets are found on slant six cars that all 340 or 440+6 cars had them as well, can not be made....
I think that is the only point Frank is trying to make.
I don't see/read any under lying "jabs" at Team Valiant.

, but then again maybe I don't know the whole story or background of these people involved.