Re: Taking it to the next level? Wow!
[Re: Spike]
08/29/08 05:11 PM
08/29/08 05:11 PM
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David Walden
David Walden
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I think if they ever decided to do another car, they might just not tell anyone, show up at the Nationals with it under and assumed name and take pride in a job well done and enjoy the accolades without all the BS.
Having to hide would be a cowards way out. Why don't we just leave that type of action/trait to those who come here (under their concealed alter ego) and post their expert advice and criticisms!?! 
Re: Taking it to the next level? Wow!
[Re: Troy]
08/29/08 05:49 PM
08/29/08 05:49 PM
..and you'll find out a lot of time that the guy(s) that thinks he knows the most usually knows the least.
Re: Taking it to the next level? Wow!
[Re: Troy]
08/29/08 06:14 PM
08/29/08 06:14 PM
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David Walden
David Walden
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and listen to all the comments on how this is wrong and that is not is amazing all the different comments that you hear.
Hey Troy! How are you? Have a great (safe) Holiday weekend! I have one question (not directed to you Troy) regarding your comment. It is......Why? Why does someone find it necessary to criticize someone else's car if they don't even have a show vehicle or their car has 100 times the amount of mistakes? Car forums have certainly become the modern day breeding ground for insults and HYPOCRISY!! People are quick to point out the small gum wrapper in your back yard but over look the mammoth mound of trash in their yard. If I was such an expert to point out someones "incorrect" detail, I would at least think that my car could be used as a rolling example for correctness. Instead we have people (figuratively speaking) who are 500 pounds over weight, telling the rest of us what we need to do to loose weight and stay in shape. I see countless of cars posted in threads throughout this forum where the owner is proud of showing their vehicle. What kind of idiot would I have to be to go out there and proceed to rip them up and ask why they have the audacity to feel good about their vehicle when so many things are wrong with it? I prefer to find something kind or positive to say about their efforts and leave it at that. If they happen to ask for constructive criticism I certainly don't relish in the opportunity to "draw blood" and play the big shot. Some of the thinly veiled insults are comical at best. I especially like the ones that end with, "but I think your car is wonderful and great". What a joke.
Re: Taking it to the next level? Wow!
[Re: ECS]
08/29/08 07:09 PM
08/29/08 07:09 PM
Joined: Dec 2003
Posts: 3,957 West Coast, CA
Joined: Dec 2003
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Hi Dave, you also have a good weekend.  For many years I have been a judge at car shows. Because of this I found that when I walk up to a car I could not help but start looking for things that are wrong. This troubled me.....I did not like this habit that I got into. A few years ago I started something new. Every time I would walk up to a car at a show or just on the street...I would make myself find five things that I like about the car before I would (to myself) say what was wrong with the car. Because of this I have become more "well rounded"....more understanding and I believe I have become a better judge for doing this. There are a few people here that are so quick to jump on a band wagon and start throwing  Too everone, Have a good and safe weekend. 
....there is nothing like driving my 1968 Hemi Dart around town and having people looking at you like you're nuts!!
Re: Taking it to the next level? Wow!
[Re: stevenjuliano]
08/29/08 09:03 PM
08/29/08 09:03 PM
Joined: Aug 2004
Posts: 466 U.S.A.
Captain Flapjack
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Posts: 466
“how many of those components have all the "experts" found wrong on daves car? not enough to fill 2 hands”
“whats hour of work to rectify? an hour
I have 2 questions for you steven juliano How big are your hands? + can I have the name of your restorer?
You yourself name “carpet, battery cables + wipers + a few minor things” how big are your hands that those items wont fill both them
And please let me know who your restorer is that can change both battery cables, wipers, a few minor things AND CARPETING in less than an hour, especially doing it to the level of detail that this car would need it done to
Another sheep in line
Re: Taking it to the next level? Wow!
[Re: Captain Flapjack]
08/29/08 10:28 PM
08/29/08 10:28 PM
Joined: Apr 2005
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pro stock
pro stock
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THe previous post about the comment on who could do this in one hour, replacing the cables, carpet and thats really nickle and dimeing the subject. Actually a bit petty. I was a judging at local shows for Chevelle 70 thru 72 for a few years. This after having a winning car at National shows. I couldnt bring myself the work the judges, yada yada yada. I would notice quite a few of cars in my same class, the owners would work and work the judges over this and that begging for points. But when I judged cars at smaller local and regional events, I had to confine myself to a level of judging more suited cars built by, good ole boys (or girls) with limited funds. These events have more daily drivers etc, and for the trailered cars, I would have a different class or catagory. In general I didnt look at matching numbers, or date codes on carbs, intakes, etc. I judged <fit and finish.> If the show had a seperate class for the concours class then yes date codes, engine compartment details as to factory correct did apply. But I usually worked it out so the daily drivers stood alone in a class seperate from the guy who trailered his $70K car to the show. I dont see why some seem to be so unwilling to let these gentleman bask in the sun over a fine car. Ive seen more hacking over five and dime issues on this car than is necessary.  If it was judged 99.1% correct that speaks for itself. Some of you are like my wife, instead of calling it a car, you will argue its an automobile. Oh yes speaking of the wife, she too is a veteran of my Chevelle, Corvette days and more than once I have scolded her about keeping her mouth "shut" when we are viewing someones car at shows. Pride in our cars is a strong motivator and everyone is proud of their car (no matter) how good or bad the restoration or condition the car is in. Once she was running off at the mouth, pointing at incorrect detailing under the hood, incorrect finish, "oh thats not right, oops look how bad that is" etc etc. Good woman as she is, I took her off to the side and told her yes she was right, that was incorrect, but pleaseeee keep your comments to yourself until we leave the car, and we are alone with each other. DONT say negative things about a mans car in front of him or his friends or even just spectators.  Thats like my mother making comments on how my wife keeps house.  She doesnt want to hear it, and neither does the cars owner. This hobby is about sharing an interest together, making a few friends here and there, and <<<GOODWILL.>>>  If its a crude MO FO then keep it to yourself and if the owner is nice to you and speaks to you, then dammit tell him NICEEEEEE ride buddy. Shag carpet, ugly stack breather, black engine compartment, diamond tuck interior, wheels hanging out further than the fenderwheels and all........Nice car buddy. If your happy Im happy. Remember, generosity given will be generosity given back when your car is judged by fellow enthusiasts. 
Last edited by gomangoRTSE; 08/29/08 10:30 PM.
Re: Taking it to the next level? Wow!
[Re: gomangoRTSE]
08/30/08 11:29 AM
08/30/08 11:29 AM
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Posts: 1,711 USA
David Walden
David Walden
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This hobby is about sharing an interest together, making a few friends here and there, and <<<GOODWILL.>>> 
While that thought is noble in concept, it is a shame that things sometimes turn out the way they do. These past few days/weeks have been an eye opener for situations, that until now, were either just suspicions or hypothetical theory. There are those who think that they are discrete or sneaky when they do not have the intelligence to realize it is THEY who are being “zoomed”. People who are acquaintances or even trusted friends have allowed their petty feelings to ruin a lifetime of possible benefits and goodwill. It never fails to amaze me what some individuals will do that can ruin the small amount of integrity that they possess. They are mistakenly naive enough to think that their actions go completely un-noticed. Funny how the "smart" ones never progress on their own. In the end it is THEY who are completely left out wondering what blindsided them! 
Re: Taking it to the next level? Wow!
[Re: bremotorsports]
10/02/08 11:07 AM
10/02/08 11:07 AM
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David Walden
David Walden
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Re: Taking it to the next level? Wow!
[Re: gomangoRTSE]
10/02/08 03:35 PM
10/02/08 03:35 PM
Joined: Jan 2003
Posts: 11,855 Georgetown Ontario Canada
I Live Here
I Live Here
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Georgetown Ontario Canada
Dave When your car was judged were the "inlet balls" knocked off or still intact?
If they were knocked off and the fittings are almost identicle, then how could anybody question them?
Re: Taking it to the next level? Wow! *DELETED*
[Re: Mike Mancini]
10/02/08 10:10 PM
10/02/08 10:10 PM
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David Walden
David Walden
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Re: Taking it to the next level? Wow!
[Re: ECS]
10/02/08 10:44 PM
10/02/08 10:44 PM
Joined: Feb 2004
Posts: 920 Grafton, OH
super street
super street
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Grafton, OH
I find this so comical. This is precisely why I will not show any of my cars anymore. Bottom line is that Dave has the highest scoring vehicle to date. He has done an incredible amount of research and it paid off. This man has a serious passion for what he does and some of you just try to find the smallest oversight  . Give me a friggin break, don't you think that he researched every nut,bolt,fastener etc etc... If there is an oversight he knows about it and I can assume there wasn't much he could do about it. Dave, quit responding to some of these jokers. There is no need to defend this masterpiece. For the few of you who continue to nit pick; PUT UP OR SHUT UP. The real question is what did he learn from this accomplishment and can he actually create an even better masterpiece? 