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Re: reproduction broadcast sheet [Re: anlauto] #672156
04/24/10 12:58 PM
04/24/10 12:58 PM
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If someone does actually step up and start producing reproduction broadcast sheets , they will be at the top of the list , when it comes to shady characters .
Fabricated documentation is a big negative for everyone in this hobby. Their had been phoney
fender tags, window stickers , (under the table) dash VINS, Re-stamped blocks , etc. for years.
All the above have hurt this hobby . Countless buyers have been stung buying fake cars.
You either have your docs, or you don't.
If you don't, that's too damn bad .
Pulling documents out of thin air should not be an option.
If the reproduction sheets are not labled as reproductions, then , plain and simple, it's a matter of deception .
Intentions may be good, but those in favor of fabricated sheets are not thinking this thing through very well . Pretty much , all cars with legit documents will now be in question.
How does the average (or even above average) guy tell the real cars (and buildsheets)from the fakes ? Just like repro fender tags, dash VINs ,
window stickers, etc. these repro sheets WILL fall into the wrong hands, and WILL be used for financial gain by some . People used to be able to "trust" buildsheets . Now, all that trust will be taken away , just because some shi%a$$ wanted to make a little extra money when he decides to sell his car . Everybody knows they can "possibly" pull 10-15% more for a car with a sheet .So, now , everybody is going to have a sheet . It won't be long untill somebody parades
an FJ6 D21 AAR around with sheet , only to find out that the REAL sheet to that car was found in another AAR and is actually an FK5 D32 car .
We'll catch alot of these fakes, we may not catch them all , but you can't fool everybody , all the time.

Greg phone 256-852-0955
Re: reproduction broadcast sheet [Re: BigMoneyLewis] #672157
04/24/10 01:11 PM
04/24/10 01:11 PM


No need to worry Gene! These will never get out to the public. ECS is a very reputable company and will not ruin the reputation we have built with something so insignificant. (Or anything for that matter!) We recently were awarded an OE contract from a new electric automobile manufacturer and something as insignificant as making reproduction build-sheets does not even register as being important. For a brief time we had even contemplated discontinuing our classic reproduction line (entirely) to concentrate on our other products. No need to worry about that either. We just hired some new employees so we are moving ahead on all fronts! For those who are asking, "Then why did you make them?" The answer is simple. I wanted to!

Last edited by DLW 4 REAL; 04/24/10 01:16 PM.
Re: reproduction broadcast sheet #672158
04/24/10 01:23 PM
04/24/10 01:23 PM
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No need to worry Gene! These will never get out to the public. For those who are asking, "Then why did you make them?" The answer is simple. increase the "value" of your own personal fleet???

Re: reproduction broadcast sheet [Re: Pacnorthcuda] #672159
04/24/10 01:51 PM
04/24/10 01:51 PM


No....I have real ones! Where do you think I obtained the formats for some of the ones I reproduced? Besides, none of my cars are for sale nor will they ever will be! I don't need the money so I have given them to my children.....Erin, Conner and Sarah. (Also known as ECS!)

Re: reproduction broadcast sheet [Re: BigMoneyLewis] #672160
04/24/10 01:56 PM
04/24/10 01:56 PM
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i'm pretty sure that door stickers are being reproduced.

is that fraudulent or OK ? ? ? ? ?

Last edited by joelson6; 04/24/10 01:56 PM.
Re: reproduction broadcast sheet [Re: joelson6] #672161
04/24/10 02:39 PM
04/24/10 02:39 PM



i'm pretty sure that door stickers are being reproduced.
is that fraudulent or OK ? ? ? ? ?

By asking that question Greg, you most likely will find the fine line at which some people's hypocrisy resides!

Re: reproduction broadcast sheet #672162
04/24/10 03:41 PM
04/24/10 03:41 PM
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"If more folks had the courage to express their true feelings publicly (instead of through private messages) these topics might be better represented. I know why my comments are always being attacked and downgraded however. I was NEVER suppose to come on the scene and challenge the "establishments" or what they have preached for all of these years. The truth is that they are not really angry with me! They are angry with THEMSELVES for not taking take the time to do things right, therefore exposing THEIR OWN shortcomings! It is always easier to blame and attack someone else than it is to take personal responsibility. "

Well said and I totally agree.

Re: reproduction broadcast sheet #672163
04/24/10 03:52 PM
04/24/10 03:52 PM
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For the record....No I do not sell them and will not sell them.

Thank you.

Can you clarify if you will be making them for free though? Just checking since you did not say you would not be making any more, just that you would not sell them.

Re: reproduction broadcast sheet [Re: Alaskan_TA] #672164
04/24/10 04:55 PM
04/24/10 04:55 PM
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Well let me step up publicly and say there is alot of hypocrisy and "better than thou" attitudes in here.

1. When many of us ask questions because we want to further know things, such as questions about fender tags etc, we get told "Oh well I wont say how come thats a bogus tag because you dont need to know." or "If I told you, then it would be easier for others to make a bogus tag."

We get the childlike treatment and the even more the most obnoxious "you'll have to take my word for it and shut up." kind of feeling. I suppose we should just look up to our Gods and accept the commandments like loyal disciples with no right to ask our svengali why something isnt right. This assumption only follows the theory that if I share my knowledge with you, then I might become less important or make less money or others will just be encouraged to cheat.

The IRS and other govt entities show you how to avoid problems, and helps with questions, I am glad they dont subscribe the theory above "If we tell them then someone will get around the system and cheat." No one person, business, or entity is greater than that of the hobby. When the 99.235% of us who have legitimate questions about our fender tags, build sheets or other documentation its because we are only concerned aboout our little world of owning 1 or 2 Mopars. If the information that the same 99.235% of gets makes it slightly more able for the 00.665% to cheat well thats part of it. The needs of the many outweight the greed of a few. The knowledge that the vast 99+% of us gains in order to keep from being cheated, keep from being scammed, and thereby enabling us to make a better informed opinion is far preferable than being treated like a child. An informed public makes informed decisions and thereby makes it harder for collusion and theft. I just cannot accept the "take my word for it" whether or not I send money or dont send money. I have to know why something isnt right.

Our hobby and this site seems to at times, have a hierarchy. Sometimes that hierarchy is offended or is competitive not only with each other but with the general public. I know alot of opinions I read here are based on "Hey this is how I make my living", and they will fight to the death defending a particular point of view. I see at times where our suppliers/vendors work in harmony to promote others products, and also when they butt heads and get brutally ugly with one another. The world of Mopar manufacturers, remanufacturers, reproductions/fake/whatever, or simply resellers of cars and parts is every bit as contentious as my old days in the Corvette world. Hmmmm perhaps they are even more ugly at times because the stakes are even higher.

But still all in all, I think each of our posters, and vendors contribute in their own way to the good of the hobby. I just disagree at times at the attitudes and inability to accept others points of view.

I judge a pesons analysis and point of view without regard to their income, standing, financial worth, or how many posts they have beneath their name. A good man is a good man, wherever he come from, or has obtained.

Finally and officially I advocate the reproduction of any documentation. With the respect to Reproduction Broadcast sheets, I have reread others opinions before running my own mouth off....again. You see I have a sharp tongue too. I think repro broadcast sheets should be available to the public providing each is clearly marked REPRODUCTION.

I have not mentioned any any names here, and I respect each of your opinions, if I have offended one over the other, you might want to see if the shoe fits. I even realize that if I had a high dollar Hemi car with ultra rare features, or more invested in the hobby I might feel different. I just think too few hold the knowledge, sometimes using that for financial gain. But eventually to perpetuate the hobby,people must share that same information with the vast majority of honest, hard working, Mopar owners.

Its not rocket science, and it doesnt promote world peace, or christianity, so lets dont get overly confident on how important any one person, business or entity matter what good intentions one may have. The best intentions can result in the worst of consequences. Reality and perception are sometimes different and sometimes the same. I can say there isnt a one of you I would meet where I wouldnt want to spend all day listening and talking to you. Some things I would learn, some things I would disallow and some things I would disregard, but still having come out of it for learning more than when I went in.

Last edited by gomangoRTSE; 04/24/10 05:26 PM.
Re: reproduction broadcast sheet [Re: gomangoRTSE] #672165
04/24/10 05:08 PM
04/24/10 05:08 PM
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Ah yes....the good ol'days...
Trailers were for camping, numbers were for counting, & build sheets were for starting the campfire...

Re: reproduction broadcast sheet [Re: gomangoRTSE] #672166
04/24/10 05:27 PM
04/24/10 05:27 PM
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Oh yes, I will tell you if your tag, or documentions is for real, just send me $25 and shut the @$&k up and just accept what I say is true.

Just for the record, for the models I am familiar with - I do that for free.

I also encourage those people to get a second opinion, I have never told anyone that they have no choice but to believe me, that would be incredibly arrogant.

I can not always tell if an item is fake or real, some look suspicious but I have not been able to tell the person one way or the other.

Sometimes it takes a while. Another tag shows up for the same make & model with the same VON as an example. In another instance, the fender tag looked perfect, but the dealership record I had seen for the car showed the original color. If I had not seen the paperwork, I would not have known.

In one of the threads a while back, I was critizied for not telling how I knew a certain tag was a fake. There were three respondents to that thread that showed a high degree of irritation with me. They had another thing in common, they had all approached me about helping them make fake tags for their cars.

Any guesses what they would do with the knowledge I posses?

Blame the fakers & frauds for why some knowledge is held closely by those that have it. If no one used what they know for the wrong reasons, more information would flow quite freely.

Re: reproduction broadcast sheet [Re: pacifica] #672167
04/24/10 05:51 PM
04/24/10 05:51 PM
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Don't know about any of this non-sense......

There are alot of references to "the hobby" in this thread.

Seems to me that "hobby" and "buisness" and "value/greed" are all conflicting interests

I feel sorry for any of you who weren't around 30 years ago and involved with mopars. Those were by far the best times for "the hobby".

Either you had a numbers car with or without papers or you didn't. There was no reproduction yet, you either found nos at a show or you fixed what you had or you did without.

Best of all, there were NO pro vendors, just people showing what they had and selling there spares/extras.

There weren't any trailers either, everyone drove to and from..... ahhh the good ole' days!

100% with you Steve, the last decade or so has seen the "hobby" turn into big business, big $$$, for cars, parts, services, etc,......I've been into Mopars for over 30 years, with the main focus being just the pure enjoyment of driving them, I've also have/had many business ventures in racing, restoring, reproduction, etc, associated with Mopars for over 30 years,...but I do miss the "ole days" when the only thing that mattered was what was under the hood, sure there were those who modified, and those who "restored" Mopars, but for the majority back then, buildsheets were just trash found in the car, fender tags were often tossed, as they distracted from the "clean-up" you did underhood to rid yourself of anything not needed, and when you wrecked a car, you went and got another, and in "most" cases you just rebodied the donor with what survived, including the VIN, was already registered with the DMV,....and nobody really cared, most didn't worry about matching numbers this or that, biggest concern was finding another engine, or tranny, or rearend, etc....the Mopar world was much more "relaxed" back then,.....your biggest problem was trying to explain to your chevy/ford friends why Mopars were truly unique, everyone seems more concerned with what "value"($$$$$$$) they're going to reap flipping a car, based on what paperwork follows it, or what numbers match what, or how many were built, or how much it's going to cost to restore, because they don't want to spend more than what they can flip the car for later ....back in the day we couldn't pour enough money into our cars, we didn't care about "collector" values, we cared about going fast, and looking good doing it.....but it seems the Mopar crowd has become a "Vette" type crowd,one they once ridiculed for their concern about numbers, datecodes, tank sheets, tags, paint daubs, etc.....the Mopar "hobby" has been established a plateau,....unfortunately it seems to be following the "Vette" program


Re: reproduction broadcast sheet [Re: Dave Watt] #672168
04/24/10 07:27 PM
04/24/10 07:27 PM
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There are many cars out there that have been reconfigured and mis-represented.
It's good that thate are those that track those that are 'found out'.
Once a lable is attached it will be difficult, if impossible to remove.

Re: reproduction broadcast sheet [Re: srt] #672169
04/24/10 10:02 PM
04/24/10 10:02 PM
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There are many cars out there that have been reconfigured and mis-represented.
It's good that thate are those that track those that are 'found out'.
Once a lable is attached it will be difficult, if impossible to remove.

That's one of the reasons I track the A12 cars. But I feel bad when the unsuspecting new owner shares their fender tag data with me and I have to tell them that the car has been changed just in the last few years.

Re: reproduction broadcast sheet [Re: Dave Watt] #672170
04/24/10 11:36 PM
04/24/10 11:36 PM
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Well then I am in luck! I have IBS (which rhymes with ECS) and will be glad to test the samples on my crack... How is that for being brutaly honest?

The funny thing about science is that if you change one miniscule parameter you change the entire outcome to the way you want it.

JB Rhinehart, Realist

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Re: reproduction broadcast sheet #672171
04/25/10 12:45 AM
04/25/10 12:45 AM
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challenge , reproducing , most accurate , HAD to be perfect accurately , reproduced , reproduce , varying degrees of shading and print inconsistencies , out of state , didn't just print one type or style! , test , anonymous , this will be his first awareness , Anyone care to see them

Mama Gump always said counterfeit is as counterfeit does.

The 12 Scariest Words in the English Language: We are here from the Government and we want to help you. 1968 Plymouth Road Runner, Hemi and much more 1968 Dodge Charger, 318 and not much else 1958 Dodge Pick Up, 383 and loud 1966 Dodge Van, Slant 6 and cool
Re: reproduction broadcast sheet [Re: Rhinodart] #672172
04/25/10 01:03 AM
04/25/10 01:03 AM



I have IBS

It must be from eating a steady diet of Crow!

Re: reproduction broadcast sheet [Re: 68X426] #672173
04/25/10 01:11 AM
04/25/10 01:11 AM




We are certainly the best "counterfeiters" in the business. Everything guaranteed to accurately and correctly represent the originals!

Re: reproduction broadcast sheet #672174
04/25/10 08:44 AM
04/25/10 08:44 AM
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I already HAVE made them! I have more than six variations and styles that perfectly represent the different assembly plants. Seven years ago "GG" made a comment in MCG that he could spot ANY reproduction that was made. That sounded like a challenge to me so I spent the next two years (off an on) reproducing the most accurate Build sheets ever made. I knew that these HAD to be perfect so every little detail, printing mistake and nuance was accurately reproduced. It then took over a year to correctly reproduce the fonts with varying degrees of shading and print inconsistencies. The actual sheets were printed (out of state) on the correct Heidelberg printing machines that were originally used to do these. I didn't just print one type or style! I knew that there were different variations with regards to the perforation cuts and collated edges. I had six different variations done covering 1969 thru 1970. The cost was a little over $22K to do all of this. The final test was when I had an anonymous person approach GG with my work and he "verified" it with no questions whatsoever!

Careful your true colors are showing.

The fact that you did this to fool someone else is incredible.

To then openly post what you did and your reason shows you are one sorry(I cannot use the proper term on this site) desperado.

Last edited by BS27R1B; 04/25/10 09:16 AM.

'.. it was long ago and it was far away, and it was so much better than it is today..'
Jim Steinman
Re: reproduction broadcast sheet #672175
04/25/10 08:48 AM
04/25/10 08:48 AM
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Everything guaranteed to accurately and correctly represent the originals!

As you ALWAYS do with all your products!

Your an ASSET to the HOBBY!

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