I got it running today!
The efi is sweet so far. I went with the hyperspark distributor and I’m super glad I did. I had a stock replacement mechanical advance/magnetic pickup distributor in there for break in and all I did was set total to 34 and later hooked up the vac line. The sniper lets me run plenty of timing at idle and still have a lower number for easy cranking & startup, plus I can add or take away WOT timing on the touch screen. Giving a stock dizzy a twist is easy but the rest of the curve beats the heck out of welding up the slots and swapping out springs, then still needing an ignition killswitch or retard box to avoid kickback.
It starts up immediately which is such a drastic change for me. Every hotrod I build ends up having a race carb which is cool but starting them is like opening a safe then watching water boil.
Anyway, the surge tank is working great so far and I couldn’t be happier