Happy New Year to you all!
I was able to find some nice used wheels and poverty dog dish caps for my 68 Road Runner and have some questions about the numbers I see on them. First off, on the inside of the rim (where the tire would normally be) I see this:
M 15 X 6.5 JJ 11 2 4
The 6.5 has the dot in the middle, not as I have shown. The on the front of the wheel between the lugs are as follows clockwise from left to right:
CC (lug) 21 (lug) H (lug) K26 with the 6 being underneath the K2 (lug) space (lug)
Here's a few pics. So what's all that mean? These are 4 dimple wheels that hold the 68 RR wheel caps, not the three dimple kind. I realize they are 15x6.5 in size, but what's the rest of the numbers mean? Thanks!