I have check several different brands and sizes of race converter as far as the depth of the converter mounting (7/16 thred size)lugs to the front edge of the bell housing, if see at least 1/2, .500 to 3/4 inch .750 depth using a good straight edge I then consider the converter seated into the pump all the way. As far as the distance from the flex plate to the mounting lugs, I'm think, I have never measured that accurately, a 1/2 to maybe a little more is good
I have had one converter that would not pull up flush to the flexplate so I checked around with several of the local Mopar racers as well as on here and they had seen that also. I'm against using washers to space the converter to the flexplate unless you know you have at least the diameter of the fastener, 7/16, engaged into the mounting lugs
I have installed a lot of race converters into many different Mopar race cars and I have only seen that once, me thinks that is not normal and should be fixed instead of patched
One other thing to check is the front hub on the converter into the crankshaft flange to make sure it is in far enough to support and center it when connected