You need to measure the center to center distantce on the crow foot and then do the math for adding length to your torque wrench and then set the torque to that setting
Probally going to be between 48 Ft. lbs to 55 ft. lbs, depending on if it is 1.5 to 2.0 inch center to center
If you want to post your center to center I can go out in the shop and find the formula for the math and do it or post the formula on here for you
All my crows foots are 3/8 drive so I use a inch lb torque wrench and then do the math to convert the ft. lbs to inch lbs
65 ft. lbs times 12 = 780 inch lbs
I normally start off with 25 to 30 ft. lbs(30x12=360 inch lbs) for the first torque sequence and then do 50 Ft. lbs and then 65 ft. lbs last
All with motor oil on stock head bolts and nuts with harden flat washers