thats an 8 3/4 rear axle
the # for the center is on the side by the pinion
last 3 digets is what you use to referance them
i.e 741,742,489,
open or sure grips
should have a 4.5 wbp
should be for an 65 A-body but the right b-body is a good swap,and prob what ya buddy used,does he know the gear ratio?
look in the archives for the mesurements on the housings
spring perches been moved to make it fit?
A-body should be 43" centers on the perches,but you can make the 44 center bolt up,look to see if they have been cut and rewelded
measure how wide the housing is frome flange to flange without the backing plates
measure the whole thing axle flange to axle flange
if you pull the chunk the yr and gear will be stamped on the ring gear,and you will know if its an open diff or a suregrip
OH! all most forgot...welcome to the board,lots of info here