


Where are you getting the 564 description from ? the 564 is the pickup for the 402 pan , I have purchased both of those pick ups about 4 years ago.

I only have a 2002 Mopar Performance catalog to go by and it doesn't say what pans they are for , I went out on a limb and bought them to find out .

I'm getting that description info from - www.monicattichrysler.com

I have a 2000 Mopar Performance catalog and am probably seeing the same information you're seeing in your 2002 catalog; a whole lot of nothing.

Monicatti could be confused as well, who knows?

If you've bought the 565 and have confirmed it to be the correct one, that's the one I'll go with.

Thanks again for the info,


I can confirm it sometime tonight , I still have the box it came in ... if I wanted to dig deeper I could probably find the Summit slip ...

Thanks John, I appreciate it. I did talk to ZIPPY about it and he seemed certain your information is correct. So there's probably no need for you to go out of your way to check on it. The 565 is most likely the one.