

I think is funny when people say their OPINION could hurt or taint the value of any car. Thats just plain B.S. !!! The value of most anything, cars included, is based on opinion. Some people's opinion on the value of an item carries more weight than others. One person's negative opinion on the value of a car can hurt it. The value of most anything may be based on a collective opinion...Not ONE persons opinion !

Im not trying to add any value or fool anybody by reproducing a fender tag . At least be honest. Of course you are fooling someone. You want to put one on your car to make think people it's the original. Wrong, I dont care what anyone thinks,I just want a tag on my car. Even a novice can spot a repo tag. This has been said by others as well.

These day, with all the social media aviliable to check out a fender tag or other documentation, I think it would be difficult to still get fooled. EVERY high end restored collecter car these day should be suspect and should be checked out using all avail resources befor purchase. High end collectors sure....the average Joe. No. the average Joe believes it's the original. This IS a high end car. Well, mabe in the hight of the mkt it was.

BTW, most of the info I needed to format a tag for my Lynch RD car was in the 70-71 parts book. Page 6 only shows a generic layout. It's not specific to LR. Is there another page in the parts book I'm missing?

What was coded, when it was coded and where it was coded on the tag changed during the year. From what I can tell, there are at least three different code change layouts to the 70 LR tag.

Sorry for the typo, My Challenger was made in Hamtrack My other car is from lynch rd and has it orig tag. I edited the post above. The parts book layout looks simular to a Hamtrack car.