


For years a normal oil change in my race car also meant the same oil went into the tow vehicle.We only used regular oil but changed it maybe 50 passes in a 12 second stocker.

You use 200 miles as the factor in determining the overall amount it was used. In something like a fire engine how many HOURS was it been used would be more relative to it's condition.

Hours on all heavy equipment. We used 100 hours = 3000 miles as a general conversion rule. All heavy equipment will come with an hour meter, and their ( diesel Mfg )suggested change interval will be in hours. I have never seen an oil change interval less than 200 hours except on street sweepers. Maybe the chief ment hours? 200 miles = 15 hours. Ridiculous.

Absolutely correct. It's hours not miles on these kinds of vehicles. Idling can be worse than hard use.

Nope, Mike wants everything changed 1 time a year regardless of miles. The average this year is 200 miles, last year was 350ish. had more fire and rescue calls, and a few parades.

I am going to save all the oil out of the 3 big trucks. and send in a sample to be analized.
