Hi! Last week I was able to fire up my 1970 Challenger 440/sixpack MT clone again after some years of (lazy) work - while the engine was NOT part of that work (but got a new exhaust system from Accurate - if you're interested: http://youtu.be/wU3zEr-ulvI ).

Now I'm dealing with the carbs. They look very worn and my first problem is that I don't get a stable idle. Engine goes up and down at idle and often dies. When I drove the car earlier, cruising or accellerating was not a problem - just idle.

I found https://board.moparts.org/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=0&Number=4572020&Main=4569194 but this just helped half way...

I took the center carb apart and it looks worn inside, too. The shaft in the baseplate has play of about 0,15mm (0,006 inches)which feels like a lot. The choke shaft also has a lot of play and it's outside lever is loose. It has a lot of signs from earlier "human interventions" (like screwdriver marks at jets). It's dirty, throttle flaps got rust ... and so on.

Is such a worn carb worth to rebuild (or "renew" using the appropriate kit)? A new would be about $515 (and they are NEW, from Holley - not "professionally rebuild").

I'm considering just to replace the center carb and leave the outboarders or spend them a rebuild kit. Good idea?

After all these years having a 440 I realized that this means having an attitude... and a budget.