

well it seems like the op has nothing to say neither dose his friend. i wsh you the best jeff and will pray for ya. ill throw this guy in havent seen him for a while.

I really doubt the OP or his friends had any idea of
the issue Jeff is having (lets face it... none of us
did).... maybe he can have someone just ship all that
stuff back(I dont think he'll want to be doing anything
for a while...at least I didnt)

EXACTLY.....The OP had no idea......and it's common knowledge that Jeff is fairly hard to get ahold of when he's busy (which is almost all the time), so what would most guys think???

Obviously, work takes a second seat to health.......All he had to do was have a friend/relative call his customer's, tell them what's up and send the stuff back to them.......No biggie......NOT ONE person would have a problem with that....

I've got a good friend that went through cancer treatment in Seattle last year and is doing well now......

If you can't handle the truth, you're living a lie.......