

Good luck my brother....do what YOU need to do to get healthy first...the rest is unimportant,no matter what others may think. I have been plagued over the last year and a half with a bunch of medical issues, and at first I tried to kill myself FOR everyone elses priorities. Then you realize that many things are way more important, but it takes a while to realize everyone elses fun isnt a priority after all.

If you get a second, drop me a cell number by PM, I have something I'd like to mention.

Good luck, stay positive, and get well....

I can relate to this..... No doubt about it...

When you run a business or offer a service where just about everything falls on YOU, it can be somewhat frustrating at times. I can understand people/customers getting frustrated, but as much as I hate to say this- it's "part of the deal". There isn't anyone to watch your back, when you call all the shots and make all the decisions. Best you can hope for is to try to stay on top of it and hope you don't get sick, injured, or have any other personal issues. Then all you can hope for is that your customers will be patient and understanding and not get resentful or bitter.

My best thoughts go out to Jeff and family, hopefully things will turn out well. Life is so short.