
I'm happy to report I reached another milestone last month, I started the car up for the second time and it went well. The oil pressure and engine temp was good, and no leaks anywhere. Also, I drove the Bee up and down the street but I did have a couple of issues that I need to work on, the biggest issue being my charging system is not working right, so I'll work on that next.

But she sounds oh so nice! It feels so good to get my car off the jack stands and out in the drive way for a bit. Parked in the garage, it looks like it sits low like a low rider I'm so used to seeing it up on stands.

I have a video but I was unable to post it...the error message said it was to large.

A special thanks to Bob K. for helping me set up the tranny and helping pick the right torque converter, along with the engine installation and strat up process!

Thanks, Juan.