

The closest could be the 474 that you mention. Thats a decent cam. I had one in a reringed 440. It will lope a little more in a 383.
If you are getting consistant numbers from measuring the lobes, you are okay. It is highly unlikely that if the cam lobes started to wear, that they would all wear out at the same rate. Look at the lifters. The bases should look smoothe and nearly flat. Any sign of scuffs or scratches could be trouble.

lobes and lifters actually look pretty good. I measured them all and it took forever. Got from .4678 to .4707 so Imma call it .474 cam.
I mic'd a ford motorsport racing cam hydraulic roller that is spec'd at .512 lift and is brand new in the box. I got from .5037 to .5118

The problem with mic'ing a cam in this manner is that a cam with much duration will not be at the base circle from side-to-side. Meaning if you position the lobe straight up at 12:00 and you mic from 9:00 to 3:00 you are actually already on the ramps, so the measurement is faulty to some degree. The actual base circle lies between the two positions.
Now if you put the cam in a block and measure the amount of total lifter then you get an accurate number.

Last edited by not_a_charger; 04/11/11 08:33 AM.