Some input on ECS experience.

I bought a date coded windshield back in 2004 or '05 ... somewhere in the middle of my '68 Charger restoration. I never pulled it out of the box to check it other than to open the top to view it. Unfortunately when I went to use it, the upper, R/H corner had been hit at some point cracking the glass. I called ECS about some possible relief but too much time had passed and since I had not checked the part, they said they were not accountable. So I bit the bullet and re-ordered another date coded windshield. When it arrived I checked it thouroughly.

First thing I noticed was that the new part was thinner than my old cracked part. Additionally, while inspecting the surface I see a series of concave blend recesses in the lower R/H corner that looked ugly and stood out. As it turns out, and unbeknownst to me, the DOT marking in the right hand lower corner had been blended off leaving the array of marks. There were concave recesses left from the material removal and the overall appearance due to this factor was poor. I was very disappointed. I could not believe how the part could have left ECS in that condition (The older piece of glass did not have this problem with blended off DOT markings).

I called with the shipper standing by and was advised of the process ECS imparts to blend the DOT stamp away and and that is what they do to all windshields. My car was awaiting windshield installation and I did not want to go through the weeks long process of sending it back and getting another windshield (that more than likely would have had the same condition). I ended up keeping it and installing it. I was angry but composed but I remember feeling as though I was complaining and was carrying on about an issue that nobody else was. They did say I could return it but said all their glass had to go through a similar process (windshields anyway).

I can't remember if we discussed the thickness of the older part vs the new piece. As I recall there was some talk of a vendor switch somewhere in between my first and second purchase. The old part was the same thickness as OEM. The new part was not. This may have changed for the better since I had my encounter (blending quality and correct glass thickness) but I don't know for sure. I would say overall that I was very frustrated with the experience.

Included are a couple pix of the original windshield that was cracked after I unpacked it. Notice the thickness of the edge. The new part was not as thick as this part.