


HemiFred- PAID
Andy- 2- PAID
Barry - 2 - PAID
67 dart gt
Big time Bobby - PAID
One Bad Fish - 2
Kiner - 1 PAID
Chargerfan68 - Greg - PAID

here is the list so far. I'd like to square up before the rental - so please contact me.

Updated - those who are paid up are marked.

There have been a few who want more spots - the best I can tell you is the spots are still open, but first come first serve - if you pay up now you will have your spot.

Sorry I have not been available alot of take calls - I'm working tons right now and have not had any time to make any calls.

We have 20 spots

We have 17 spots called out for but only 8 are paid at this point.


Updated - and yes Andy - I corrected the post.