
I started on it today.

The original idea didn't work!

I wanted to run them through the rear footwell only, and it looked as if we could just massage the ribs in the floorpan to get it to clear in front of that.

So I had the rear cut, and everything was looking fine, and I started to flatten out a couple of the ribs ahead of the cut. It turns out that I couldn't flatten them out enough, and the hammer tore holes through the metal where I tried to dolly it . And after tearing through w/the hammer in a couple spots, I gave up on that idea and trimmed it up straight.....but now it is a loose fit in that one area

The back section is a tight/force fit for the first foot or so, and the floor has to be tapped with a hammer to get it to sit flat. So that part went perfect, but the very front part will either need some filler material or additional passes with the mig. You have plenty of wire and gas, don't you Todd???

I should be able to do a better job on the other side now that I know what's going to happen, and am going to get on that tonight/over the next couple days.

Should be pretty beefy when it's done

Rich H.

Esse Quam Videri