
Because you are trying to fit for a maximum width tire...as has been mentioned, you must consider the entire assembly of components you're using. Obviously different rims, rotors or drums will stack-up differently. Also, the width rim you're using will alter the sidewall. And the sidewall is what you'll need to engineer clearence for. I would suggest error on the narrow side because, you may add spacers and/or you may upgrade to a alloy hat in the future. Sidebar-Sledge made me a good deal on these! TY

thats exactly what I was thinking! I have the tires centered with the car slammed...with it at the rid height I want there will actually be more of a gap from the tire to outer lip than than the tire to frame gap. I figured I would do it this way so that if not happy I can always use spacers. I also figured when i go to weld the perches in i'll have a little bit of leeway as well to fine tune the adjustments

The measurement that I measured though is just from rim to rim. obviously the housing itself will be less with my huge brakes as well as axle stickout from the housing ends. I figure when I talk to Cass he will be able to help me with that stuff in calculating...is there anything that im leaving out?

thanks for the suggestions!