

As a general rule, a wider LSA will lessen the overlap, thus giving a smoother idle and broader powerband. But, with that said, a cam with an LSA of 110 could actually have less over lap than a cam with 112 LSA. You just have to look at the valve timing events.

Overlap can only be changed two ways. LSA and Duration/split duration.

For instance if you wanted a 240* duration @.050cam on a 108 LSA Your overlap will be fixed.

You cant move the valve timing events around and change the overlap and have the same 240* @.050 cam on a 108 LSA

Correct. I hope I did not give the impression that you can change overlap once it is ground in the cam, because as you stated, you can't. I meant that when you have the cam ground, you can change the LSA then to change the over lap.