
It's true.

This is why this time around I have a geardrive.
When I took my smallblock apart the last time the chain was hanging so damn bad if I reversed the engine it would have skipped teeth.

No more of that crap...now I'll supposedly destroy my engine with "harmonics" instead.
We shall see!

I've been running a gear drive on my engines for
for years, I love them

I was bashed about it because of what people hear, and what happened to some other guy etc. Just misinformation.

When i demand proof to back the claim, no one produces naturally.

I know you run a stout combo, and you have credibility here. So hearing you tell me this kind of reaffirms my thought. I asked a few builders and they say the timing is super accurate and that they are durable. So I went for it.

The only people I never hear bad about them from are the ones who are using them and enjoying them!

I love the idea of eliminating the timing chain as a possible weak link and the associated changes in timing you get over a longer period as the chain stretches.

I do believe the chain dampens harmonics, but how detrimental can they be is the question if no one is having a problem in the first place?