
E Body lever, wiring harness, and brake switch

This is my setup. I'm using the lever, and possibly the brake switch. I sent that 70 e body wiring harness to M&H electric and had them build me a brand new one. Now that they have a diagram of how to make it, you should be able to call them and order one for yourself. M&H makes good stuff. They supply all of Year One's wiring harnesses. Due to limited parts availability (grommet) you won't find this harness in the Year One catalog. Call M&H direct to get it.

For the brake switch, they didn't change much up to the early 80's I think. Part # changed, but only difference I could find was the color of the wire.

I agree that the E body switch is different from the B body. I do have a B body switch installed in my 'Cuda and it works fine.
