""A change which provides a small improvement at cruise may end up being too big of a change in the wrong direction under part throttle.""

That is what I am afraid of. I am so close that I can make a small change and my A/F cruising numbers will be:
A) in the mid 14's to mid 15's
B) in the lower 14's to the low 15's

So I keep going back and forth trying to decide what cruising range(30mph-60mph)I want to be in. Right now I am comfortable in the "A" range.

I have most of my setup figured out (jetting, pv,cams/squirters and bleeds) and I am just playing with the 40% and 60% delay on the secondary linkage and the float adjustment. The float adjustment can really dial in the cruising A/F without having to change any bleeds. I am going to leave my A/F at 3500rpm and 4000rpm at the 14-14.2 mark for now.

Over the long weekend, I was lucky enough to drive the car with the same setup in 60 degree, 75 degree, and 92 degree outside temps and the only change that I made was with the in "D" A/F adjustment. I was able to keep the cruise A/F between 14.2 and 15.6 as long as I keep the in "D" A/F between 13.4-13.8 and it drives great within those outside temps if I keep the in "D" A/F in that range. If I did not keep "D" A/F in that range, then the cruise A/F range would go leaner or richer than the 14.2-15.6 range which I do not want.
A Vacuum advance distributor might be in my future but probably not before Winter.

I am probably going to stop updating this thread because I am so close on the setup. I have learned allot from the information that a wideband can give and also from the responses from this thread. I want to that you again and to everyone else for your help.

1970 YO7 A66 [Canadian Export] F8 Challenger
340 (Currently in shop for stroker assy.)