The easiest and best way I've found to remove a torsion bar is to remove the lower control arm pivot pin nut and the strut rod bushing and nut. Do this WITH tension on the torsion bar, otherwise if the LCA bushing is shot the pivot pin might just spin. Disconnect the LCA from the lower BJ or spindle so it is free to move backwards. Next loosen the T-bar adjuster. Make sure the retaining clip is out of the T bar socket. Then with the LCA free use a ball joint/pickle fork between the LCA and the K frame to pry the LCA towards the back of the car. It should also push the T bar out of the socket. No need to cut or heat anything. The factory usually greased the T bar mount pretty well. I have never found one so stuck that the above method did not work, and that includes Northeast cars that saw salt and winters.