


If you pounded it out with a hammer the arm is probally shot.They are threaded thats why you need the socket.I would almost say the arm is bad anyway.Something had to be wrong with that arm to start with.They dont usually want to come out even with the socket.Rocky

I borrowed the socket to fit the other ball joint and it threaded out just fine.Compared the threads to the other upper control arm and didnt appear to be stripped.So I took the other ball joint and threaded it back into the control arm that I beat out.It tightened up just find without stripping out.

Wait till you put some miles on it , don't be surprised when it pops out .

John,you guys were right.The guy that I borrowed the socket off of came by the house,I showed him the upper control arm.I thought it was ok because it tightened up.He said let me see,he turned it upside down and said,lets say your traveling down the road and hit a pot hole,he took my 2 lb and smaked it one time and it popped.Made me feel stupid,so now Ill be getting another control arm.Lesson learned.