
Hi Jim,

How are you doing? Do you ever hear from Lou?

The short version............
Met Ed At the 05 Mopar nats, Borrowed him a sunroof duster headliner for a pattern, In Jan 07 I won a bid on Ebay for a NOS sunroof handle and had it sent to him. (He was at work and could not bid on the item). Now its over 4 years and I am still waiting. I have asked for the sunroof handle and headliner back serveral times. Have approx 25 PM's from him that he will send the stuff back. Now he tells me he broke the handle. It any of this is incorrect Ed Please let us know.

Hope to see you at Rooshes in Feb. Jim.


Yep, will be at the swap if I ever make it home... Ed has always been straightforward with me, hope it works out.

The funny thing about science is that if you change one miniscule parameter you change the entire outcome to the way you want it.

JB Rhinehart, Realist

A-Body's RULE!