
Do you think the Imperial shaft would be the same width as a Charger?

Good question. Is there a demand for these shafts? I have a guy needing one for a 70 Charger. I have one that's 31" long. I'm looking into having them made and thought about the likliehood of there being different lengths.

Topher, I've used ones from Chrysler C bodies, which were longer, and cut them down to fit 70 Chargers,....I also tried using cold rolled steel bar stock, didn't last long, you'll need the rods to have a spring steel temper, esp the 71-2 Charger set-ups, as the cast doors are heavy in comparison to the 70 Charger doors,...might I suggest a one length rod, that the customer cut down for their application, as the "square" shape/profile is all the same from what I've seen from B, to C, to R body concealed motor driven headlite doors
