Wow, I guess I've been absent from this thread for a while!

Danny, yep, that's the same q5 Daytona we were talking about when you called on the phone last week! Small world huh? I think it still may be a while before the whole car gets painted back to Q5. Hey, that's great news that this thread is gonna double in size! I can't wait to see more cool pics from your dad's archives! That's too cool that the picture you have from the old days is the Daytona from the HappyDayz site! Nice mirror and rims from back in the day! Now about that idea of yours of getting all the wing guys that have posted in here together at the Nats. I can just imagine a get together like that lasting well into the wee hours of the morning and prolly on into the next day! Especially if ya get ol' Rick Edwards talking! Sounds like it would be a really good time though!

Dave, now that I think about it, the guy in Berrien Springs who owned the Q5 Daytona's name was Phil. Or is that Doug's friend that bought the car whose name is Phil? Heck, I can't remember!