
With that being said, I know that in many respects I am f'ing this RoadRunner up. However, I am fixing all of the bits mentioned the best I can. I'll never sell this car. Maybe even in 10-15 years I'll tear it down and do it again after I have learned more.

Sometimes I regret posting projects because the negative feedback outweighs the positive.

Sorry this isn't concourse, but in my eyes it is, and I'm having fun.


in my eyes, you are not f'ing this up in the least, you are doing it a great service! you can't expect to go into something like this the first time and know everything. if you want to do concourse, you have to be wiling to spend an insane amount of hours trying to figure out what is "correct", and even then two of the most respected sources can tell you two completely different things.

most of the people here will give you positive feedback, just because someone's writing style may come across as harsh, doesn't mean their intention is. for those that give negative feedback, well... f'k em. this is your car, to do with what you want. there are many people who do things with their cars that many others don't "approve" of, but they do it because it is their car, and that is what they want from it. done.

restore the car, learn as you go, do what you want, and it will be what you want, (and a damn nice car by the looks of things so far), and you will be happy with it.

and by all means keep on posting!