Never say Never guys- I had an 8 of 1969 production B5 blue 383 N96 coupe and it had 383 call outs on the scoops and 383 magnum on the fenders. I'll have to dig up pics when I get home. I bought it in '81 from the 2nd owner and found the original owner. Car was completely original when I bought it except the tires and mufflers. Steve (Pink Duster- can back me up on the car)


Lindy, If it was a N96 car they had the callouts on the hood scoops and not the fender. If it was NOT a N96 car it had the emblems on the fender and the script "superbee" on the bulge hood if my information is correct. Someone like Dave can confirm.


"Do you know why I stopped you?"- "No" - "Your license plate was laid down"- "Oh that,- that only happens when I Floor it"